A Rick Mofina Thank You

I had just cleared snow from my driveway. I’d shut off the snow blower when our postal lady stopped her truck in front of our house. She got a package from the back and handed it to me.When I saw your name on the return address I knew.I immediately showed my wife and we took this photo.George, thank you! Thanks to Larry, the readers, the crime fiction community!I am so honoured. I can’t tell you how much this means to me. It’s been a long road from my first hand-printed stories as a kid. My first short-stories hammered out on a typewriter going out to magazines when I was a teen. Then finishing my first crime novel. Then finding an agent. Then getting published. Then just writing and writing and writing some more.And then to receive the Barry Award! This gift, this honour, from people who care as passionately about storytelling as you do.It’s a wonderful thing.Thank you.I hope to see you again soon. Rick Mofina