Putnam is set to publish on October 11th a Deluxe edition of the iconic crime novel THE GODFATHER by Mario Puzo, which was originally published in 1969. It’s list price is $50.00.
In 2019, at the Dallas Bouchercon, we honored THE GODFATHER as one of the most influential crime novels of the last 50 years.
The original first edition is hard to find in an excellent condition because the black cover was made out of flimsy paper and was easily wrinkled showing white crease marks. For collectors it became known for one of the worst dustjackets ever because of this problem. It went into multiple printings and was a worldwide bestseller. A nice 1st edition, first printing will probably set you back $500 to $1500. Signed first editions can go as high as $50,000 (for one signed by Mario Puzo and Marlon Brandon.)
This new deluxe edition learned from the cover mistake of the first edition and made the dust cover white, with very substantial paper. It also contains:
— a nice forward by Anthony Puzo, the son of Mario Puzo
— stained edges
— beautifully illustrated endpapers
A nice addition to anyone’s collection.