I generally save my reviews for the magazine, but I wanted to alert you of a particularly fine crime novel since my review won’t be published for another 2-1/2 months, but the book is available now. I had not even heard of ORDINARY BEAR by C. B. Bernard until about a month ago, when J. Kingston Pierce (The Rap Sheet) mentioned that I ought to read it. I finished it the day after the latest issue was sent out. So here is my review.

by C. B. Bernard
Blackstone, $25.99, Kindle $9.99, April
Rating: A
Farley (just “Farley” – no first name) is an investigator for a North Slope oil company. He has made a home for himself in a remote Alaskan village where he has won over the local population with his good nature. Intimidating to those who don’t know him, Farley is a huge human being who towers over those with whom he comes in contact.
Divorced and the father of a teenaged daughter, Farley is greatly looking forward to his daughter’s visit, but soon after her plane lands, tragic events occur.
Despondent, injured and racked with feelings of guilt, Farley returns to his home town of Portland, Oregon, where he initially lives in a homeless encampment (as penance for his perceived sins), even though he has rented an apartment.
It should be pointed out that the author does not paint Portland is a favorable light. I don’t think that the Portland Chamber of Commerce will be pushing sales of ORDINARY BEAR.
Through a series of circumstances, Farley becomes acquainted with a single mother and her charming young daughter. But danger lurks close by and when it arrives, Farley jumps in to do for his new friends what he wasn’t able to do for his daughter.
Every once in awhile a book seemingly comes out of nowhere and captures the public’s imagination. ORDINARY BEAR is such a novel – and there is nothing ordinary about it. Farley is a memorable character who will stay with you forever. The prose is beautifully rendered and the story line is as engaging as anything you’ll read this year. Come join Farley on his journey of redemption. You’ll thank me.