Call Me “Dr. Krueger.”

In his recent email newsletter, Kent Krueger tells the following story:

Back in St. Paul, shortly after the Edgars, I delivered the commencement address at Hamline University. In the process, I was granted an honorary degree: Doctor of Letters. In my youth, I was forced to leave Stanford University at the end of my freshman year due to my participation in a takeover of the administration building during a protest related to the Vietnam War. I never returned to college in a focused way, and never graduated. So I’ve never had a diploma to hang on my wall. Now I do. And by the way, if ever we should meet, I’d be grateful if you were to address me as Dr. Krueger.

Editor’s Comment: Kent, my friend, I have a Juris Doctorate Degree, so I’ll call you “Dr. Krueger” if you’ll call me “Dr. Easter.” Deal?