It was with great sadness that I read of the passing of the great mystery writer Peter Robinson at age 72 “after a short illness.” I’ve always enjoyed reading his Alan Banks series, especially IN A DRY SEASON, which we awarded a Barry in 2000. This is on my list of all-time favorites.

The last time I interacted with him was when he came to the King’s English Bookstore in Salt Lake City some years ago and Betsy Burton (owner of the bookstore) and I took him to dinner. We had a marvelous time talking about this and that and somehow we got onto the subject of British tv adaptations of crime novels and we had fun sharing our favorites.
Peter will be missed by those who knew and loved him and by the myriad of fans who enjoyed his wonderful crime novels.
Others have done a better job in eulogizing Peter than I can possibly do, so I refer you to the following links:
The Rap Sheet post of October 8, 2022
In Memoriam – Peter Robinson by Ayo Onatade
Peter Robinson, R. I. P. by Martin Edwards
Peter Robinson: R. I. P. By Janet Rudolph at Mystery Fanfare