Regular visitors to the site may have wondered about the lack of posting over the past three weeks. I didn’t want to post that I was going to be out of town — I don’t think that is wise to do on the web. My wife and I had booked a Mediterranean cruise three years ago, which was then delayed twice because of the pandemic. We finally went!. We spent three days in Rome then boarded the ship for Cyprus, Israel, Turkey and Greece. Everything went well and we made some lasting memories. But then there was the jet lag. It was a 9-hour difference and I never did completely adjust. Also the long flights going and coming were not pleasant (I can never get to sleep sitting up). I caught a cold the last day I was in Europe, but I’ve taken two Covid tests since then and both were negative. I read 8 books on the trip (sea days). I’m looking forward to the time when Scotty can just beam me up and beam me down somewhere far away — in a matter of seconds. I’m very grateful that I got to see places that I had only read about. There is a lot to be said about seeing things in person. I found that a number of things looked different than I imaged (usually much larger — like the Acropolis in Athens). St. Peter’s Basilica (enormous and so beautiful) and the Sistine Chapel were highlights for me.
I came home yesterday and am busy catching up. Check in over the next few days as I intend to post a fair amount.