This streaming series found on Netflix is not a remake of the Matthew McConaughey movie of the same name. The movie was based on the first novel of the Micky Haller series (THE LINCOLN LAWYER). This Lincoln Lawyer series is based on the second novel of the series — THE BRASS VERDICT. I’ve watched three episodes so far and am very impressed by the production values and the stellar cast headed up by Manuelo Garcia-Rulfo.
Watching The Lincoln Lawyer was a nice segue to finishing up the first season of Bosch: Legacy, which was also very well done. I’m in full Michael Connelly mode — and loving it!

Stay tuned for the June 16 release of The Old Man based on the Thomas Perry thriller of the same name. This stars Jeff Bridges in the title role, with John Lithgoe and Amy Brennerman. I’ve seen it stated that it will appear on FX and Hulu. I liked the book a lot and look forward to streaming this series.