The Macavity Awards 2021
(for works published in 2020)
The Macavity Awards are nominated and voted on by members of Mystery Readers International, subscribers to Mystery Readers Journal, and friends of MRI.
Congratulations to all.
Best Novel
Blacktop Wasteland by S.A. Cosby (Flatiron Books)
Best First
Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden (Ecco Press)
Best Critical/Biographical
H R.F. Keating: A Life of Crime by Sheila Mitchell (Level Best Books)
Best Short Story
“Elysian Fields” by Gabriel Valjan (California Schemin’: The 2020 Bouchercon Anthology, edited by Art Taylor; Wildside Press)
Sue Feder Memorial Award for Best Historical Mystery
Turn to Stone by James W. Ziskin (Seventh Street Books)
Note from George Easter: The three novel Agatha Winners also won Barry Awards this year. THE FANS HAVE SPOKEN! If you haven’t read these books, perhaps you should.